Sexual Harassment Policy
Purpose: All pastors and volunteers of LIFELINE ASSEMBLY OF GOD have the right to work in an environment free from all forms of illegal discrimination and conduct which can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive, including sexual harassment. The position of the LIFELINE ASSEMBLY OF GOD is that sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of the work relationship.
Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the personnel committee and each volunteer to ensure full compliance with this policy. All volunteers for the Youth Ministry are required to have a background check. (see page 34)
Definition: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when
- Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of a person's employment or volunteer commitment.
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or volunteer commitment decisions affecting such individual, or
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
- No employee or volunteer, whether male or female, shall be subject to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures or conduct, either verbal or physical.
- Sexual harassment shall not include occasional and appropriate compliments of a socially acceptable nature.
- Sexual harassment does refer to behavior that is not welcome, that is personally offensive, that
debilitates morale, and that, therefore, interferes with work effectiveness.
- Such behavior may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Complaints Procedure:
- Complaints of sexual harassment should be brought to the attention of the personnel committee.
- The employee or volunteer is also free to make the complaint directly to any supervisory personnel.
- Supervisory personnel receiving complaint of sexual harassment shall immediately contact personnel committee.
- After notification of the employee or volunteer's complaint, a confidential investigation will be initiated immediately by the personnel committee.
- After the investigation has been completed, a determination will be made regarding the resolution of the complaint by the personnel committee.
- The church will cooperate fully with law enforcement officials in a criminal investigation.
Non-Retaliation: This policy prohibits retaliation against employees or volunteers who bring, in good faith, sexual harassment charges or assist in the investigation of such charges. Any such employee or volunteer shall not be adversely affected in terms and conditions of employment or volunteer commitment, nor discriminated against or discharged because of such activity.
Non-Employees: In addition to the above, any complaints of sexual harassment by an employee or volunteer against vendors or other non-employees who do business with Lifeline Assembly of God or any complaints by a vendor or other non-employee against an employee or volunteer of Lifeline Assembly of God shall be reported and investigated in the same manner as stated in this sexual harassment policy.
Child Abuse Prevention Policy
- Any volunteer or paid worker who works with children age 18 or under should be given the legal definition of child abuse in writing, as well as the policy of the church on the reporting of child abuse.Annual child abuse training should be provided to children and youth workers. The definition and training should help the workers identify child abuse. While exact definitions differ from state to state and between military and civilian regulations and laws, most definitions agree on several common elements of an abused or neglected child:
- " ... a child whose physical or mental health or welfare is harmed or threatened with harm by acts or omissions of his/her parent or other person responsible for his/her welfare." u.s. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, Administration on Children, Youth and Families.
- The church has adopted the "two adult" rule which requires a minimum of two adult workers or volunteers to be present in each situation involving the supervision of the children and youth.
- Children and youth church leadership should supervise children and youth ministries on an ongoing basis and make unannounced visits into classes or other program sites from time to time.
- All paid or volunteer children or youth workers should have an application on file with the church. The application should include relative questions pertaining to working in a children or youth ministry. A volunteer children or youth worker should be a member or attending the church for 6 months before serving in children or youth ministry.
- References should be checked on anyone working with children or youth. The reference checks should be completed on all paid and volunteer workers.
- A criminal background should be conducted on all employees and volunteers having ministry
responsibilities with children 18 years old and under.
- Each children and youth worker should be interviewed personally by the supervisor of the respective ministry area. Documentation of the inteNiew like the application or other personnel documents must be kept confidential and in a secure location.
- The church should comply fully with the state's child abuse reporting statue. The church leadership should be informed of any suspicion of child abuse.